Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Google Launches Android Wear Developer Preview

Google on Tuesday introduced Android Wear, an extension of its Android mobile operating system for wearable devices.

Sundar Pichai, Google's SVP of Android, Chrome, and Apps said in a blog post that Google has only just begun to explore the possibilities of mobile technology. "That's why we're so excited about wearables -- they understand the context of the world around you, and you can interact with them simply and efficiently, with just a glance or a spoken word," he said.
Pichai said Google is starting with the most familiar wearable device: the watch. Google is not the first major company to enter the smartwatch market -- the Samsung Gear debuted last year to mediocre reviews and Sony has released similarly undistinguished models -- but it has managed to wade into the market before Apple introduces the smartwatch that it's widely expected to launch later this year.
[Is Android poised to rule the wearables market? Read Google Shoots For Wearables Dominance With SDK.]
The mobile revolution's shift toward wearables has long been anticipated. In 2012, Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps predicted that wearable devices would intensify the platform wars and that Google might win. "Apple's iOS ecosystem has already inspired a host of wearable accessories, like the Lark sleep sensor and now-discontinued Jawbone UP. But Google's open Android platform will inspire broader experimentation for entire wearable solutions," she wrote. "Android is already the platform of choice for Foxconn-funded startup WIMM Labs as well as the Sony SmartWatch."
Google acquired WIMM Labs last year. Its interest in the wearable market is hardly a secret: Its high-profile Google Glass eyewear represents another type of wearable, and is a device without a social precedent.

As with its Android phones, Google is working with third-party hardware makers and technology partners to produce Android Wear devices. Pichai said to expect devices from Asus, HTC, LG, Motorola and Samsung later this year. Google is also working with chip makers Broadcom, Imagination, Intel, Mediatek, and Qualcomm, and with fashion brands such as the Fossil Group.
Android developers can now download the Android Wear Developer Preview, which allows developers to adapt their Android apps to format notifications, the primary mode of information presentation on small-screen devices, for Android Wear hardware.
The Developer Preview also includes voice input APIs, since talking beats typing as an input mode on smartwatches. A typical use case would be replying verbally to an email. Pichai noted that wearable users will be able to say "OK, Google" to call up a music playlist on a phone, or to cast a movie to a Google Cast-connected TV.
Expect Android Wear to make significant use of Google Now and Google's speech recognition technology.
Google says it will deliver a full Android Wear SDK, which will include a more complete set of APIs, later this year, possibly at the company's Google I/O developer conference in June.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Difference between WPA and WEP

We can have 2 standards of security in wireless networks:

  • WPA=(Wireless Protected Access) It's the best connection method, it gives an unique key to every user, that means every connection to the router has an handshake with the user device.The password can be from 8 to  63 characters. Now WPA works like this, but it also can work in a less secure way
    • WPA-PSK=(Pre-Shared Key) It is the least secure, every user has the same password, it's usual to find in small business and home wireless networks. It can use 2 coding methods
      • TKIP=(Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)In short words every package has a key, mixing the package integrity and a mechanism of re-keying
      • AES=(Advance Encryption Standard) The best authorized coding for WiFi
    • WPA2-PSK=Connect with AES coding method.

  • WEP=(Wired Equivalent Privacy) It was the first standard of wireless security networks, now is obsolete, surpassed by WPA, is highly encouraged to not use WEP, nowadays it can be break it within minutes

How to add sudoers users in Linux

First you need to create a user, if you already created (jump to step 2), is ok, otherwise here's how:

1)Open a terminal and type $useradd nameofyournewuser
   Replace it with the name you want
 1.5) You can add the -m parameter to autocreate the home directory for that user instead type $useradd nameofyournewuser -m

2)Once is created, we need to modify the sudoers list, type
$nano /etc/sudoers 

3)Search for this line
# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
Below that last line add this
nameofyournewuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL *(the syntaxes of that line can change between linux distros, in my case I am using kali linux)
4)Press Ctrl+X to save the changes and Y to confirm the changes

5)That's it, logout and login with your new user

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to set up a small portable pentesting environment: DVWA + OWASP + XAMPP + PortableApps

This also can be applied to make a portable web development environment; so our objective  is to make a fully functional portable pentesting environment, the only requirement is have a portable device as a external HDD, a pendrive or even a smartphone, so we begin.

1)Download PortableApps, http://portableapps.com, this tool makes possible to run software portable with a friendly user interface. Once you have downloaded the installer, you have to select the destination and you're done.

2)Download XAMPP ("XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl". -http://www.apachefriends.org/index.html) has the necessary to setup a small server to host a site, we will use it to mount DVWA, so here http://www.apachefriends.org/download.html select a windows installer, doesn't matter which php version. You have to install it on the portableapp directory, on the root directory\PortableApps, make sure it has its own folder named 'xampp'
Now  run the portableapps menu, and click the 'apps' option, and click again in 'refresh apps icon', if everything went well, you have to see 4 icons available on your portableapps menu of xampp, like xampp-control

3)Download DVWA, http://www.dvwa.co.uk 'Damn Vulnerable Web App', it's a test site with configurable vulnerabilities, used by pentesters to practice defense and offense against sites (depends in your interests). Once you have downloaded, decompress the zip file, rename it to 'dvwa' and copy the whole folder and paste it in the 'htdocs' folder on xampp directory, once you done this, this is how your folder should look like...
The next step is set up the dvwa itself, run the xampp-control from the portableapps menu, click the start button of Apache and MySQL, now open a browser and type this 
Don't be scare if shows a message 'Unable to connect to MySQL' just click on the link showing. You will be redirected to another page, click the 'create reset database'button, and again don't be scared if this message appear 'Could not connect to the database - please check the config file.'
To solve that message we have to go to the root of dvwa directory,config folder and open the config.inc.php and open it with an editor, search for $_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] replace the whole line with this $_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = ''; save it and go again to the site of dvwa in the browser and hit the button, now the database is created. Now the final step...

4)Download a OWASP project, you can download any OWASP project, but for this case we will use owasp zap https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Zed_Attack_Proxy_Project the function about this step, is set up a tool to make pentesting attacks against DVWA, so same as before install it on the portableapps directory besides xampp, and refresh the icons in the menu and that's it.

Now to access as a user in dvwa type this url the default user is admin and password is password

From now on, is up to you to do some research about how to use this tools, I hope it has been helpful this article. 

*Sorry my english this was my first article in english


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