Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Queres usar Mac OS sin hardware Mac? : Iatkos

10:43 AM

Es como enredado el titulo pero es para aquellos que quieran usar el sistema operativo de Mac sin tener una computadora marca Mac; en este caso podemos recurrir a Iatkos, es un sistema operativo diseñado para ser instalado por ejemplo en una computadora Dell, Iatkos es tambien llamado OSx86, esta diseñado para arquitecturas de x86-64, es una de las mejores formas de probar Mac OS X Leopard; lo unico que daria "perezilla" es el tamaño de la imagen de iatkos un total aproximado a 2Gb, esta informacion es tomada del sitio oficial explicando los requerimientos:


- This OSX86 installation DVD release supports both GPT and MBR partitioned harddrives.

- Full retail main system like boot132 installation.

- You can make Clean, Upgrade(from previous versions of OS X on Intel/AMD), Refresh(renew your existing 10.5.7 installation) and driver-only installs using iATKOS v7 DVD. Upgrade/Refresh is highly successful on previous iATKOS installs and will mostly work for other installations too, read the readme for the process.

- You can update your running system using software updater just like real Macs on most PC hardware(Intel/AMD).

- Easy installation on RAID targets with manual bootloader installers and packages.

- Enhanced hardware compatibility: various systems including ATI, SiS, VIA chipset motherboards, enhanced nVidia VGA support with universal efi string and modified enablers.

Minimum hardware requirements: x86 SSE2 CPU, 512MB RAM, 10GB free space on target partition, OpenGL VGA card.

Recommended hardware requirements: Intel Core or AMD x2 CPU, 1GB RAM, 15GB free space on target partition, nVidia GeForce 6600 or better - ATI X1300 or better - Intel GMA 950 or X3100 VGA card.

Motherboard (the most important part) should be compatible for you to boot iATKOS v7 DVD and install natively. Use google to learn about your motherboard compatibility.

*nunca intenten tratar de arrancar Iatkos en una Mac

Para mas informacion de instalacion, arranque y demas aqui esta el link de OSx86:

*Link de fondos de pantalla de iatkos http://www.osx86install.com/osx86wallpaper.html


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